Tentative Agenda Includes Closed Session Under RSMO 610.021 (3,13)


Notice is hereby Given that the Lawrence County Emergency Services Board, will have a meeting in open session on:

This meeting will include a meeting in closed session under RSMo 610.021 (1,3,13)

March 20, 2024 ~ 6:00 PM

LCES911; 1533 Missouri Drive; Training Room; Mt. Vernon, MO 65712


Call to Order:                    Kris Bowling


Roll Call of Members:   ____Kris Bowling             ____ Brian Cook               ____ Jack Schulz              

                                         ____ David Hubert          ____ Donna Pritchard    ____ Joey Skaggs            

                                         ____ Roger Stolting


Confirm Quorum Present: ____________


_____________ Patti McBride; Board Secretary                 ____________Jacob Spindler; legal counsel



·        Approve Agenda (action item)

·        Approve Minutes (action item)

         o  January 17, 2024 – open session; January17, 2024 - closed session

         o  February 21, 2024 – open session; February21, 2024 – closed session



·        Payment of bills / Financial Reports (action item) (Motion to approve financial report and payment of bills)

         o   Bills Paid - Transaction List by Date Report ~ 02.14.2024 thru 03.12.2024.

         o   Additional bills for consideration


         o   Bank Account Register (General Ledger) printout

         o   Statement of Financial Position report

         o   Budget to actuals

         o   Sales tax receipts / wireless prepaid / Use Tax Income

         o   Letter of Credit ~ Old Missouri Bank

         o   SBKC Construction Lease Statement (sent via email only)


·        Updated Approved Vendor List (action item)

         o  Cox Health – drug screening, physicals,and audiogram

         o  Missouri State Highway Patrol (CJIS) –MULES connection



·        Review April 2024 Election Information ~ballot revision                                 Jake Spindler


·        Building Update ~ Tim Guillot (Esterly, Schneider), Mark Frietchen (DeWitt), Mark Exter (BEI), Mark Davis (Clifford Power), Stephen Tonkin (ASCO)

         o  ATS

         o  Blinds – estimated delivery 04.01.2024

         o  MDP Study results

         o  HVAC

         o  Fence

         o  Dedication Plaque

         o  T-Bar beam leak – water heater room


·        Law Co Fire Communications Plan (information provided at February meeting) (action item)

         o   Document – summary of information / options for fire communications.

         o   Recommendation to authorize $75,0000 to obtain a dedicated LCES911 fire frequency utilizing Radiophone to coordinate this project.


·        MO911SB NG911 Grant Application –pending – continuing to evaluate Esinet quotes and work with Springfield –Greene County 911 to write grant proposal - - No action required at this time


·        MO911SB GIS MITIGATION GRANT (Law Co EMA) – need to revise 33% matching funds (possible action item)

         o   Request funds for NG911 grant match (90/10)

              §  Due to the way the state calculates the 10% match the amount that LCES911 needs to contribute needs to increase from $3,151.35 to $3,505.


·        Work Session date proposals:

         o   Saturday, April 6               10:00AM – 12:00 PM

         o   Saturday, April 20             10:00AM – 12:00 PM

         o   Monday, April 10              5:30PM – 7:30 PM or 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (NTCW)

         o   Monday, April 29              5:30PM – 7:30 PM or 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM



·        Short Term Disability / Long Term Disability / Critical illness quotes (possible action item)

         o   Short term disability

              §  60% of weekly earnings up to $1500/week; 13 weeks

              §  Estimated cost $530.70 / month  ~ $6,368.40 / year

         o   Long term disability

              §  60% of monthly earnings up to $4000/month; to retirement age

              §  Estimated cost $148.46 /month  ~ $1,781.52/year

         o   Critical illness

              §  $5000 benefit (see proposal to see percentage based on procedure)

              §  Estimated cost $180/month ~ $ 2,160 / year

         o   TOTAL FOR ALL APPROXIMATELY $10,500 / year




CLOSED SESSION(action item) Motion to go into closed session under RSMo 610.021 (1 – Legal actions, litigation, 3 - Hiring, firing, discipling, or promoting of an employee;13 – Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records) / Roll call vote



·        Board meeting ~ do we want to explorelunch meeting times?  




NEXT MEETING DATES:                  

Monthly Meeting – Wednesday, April 17, 2024; 6:00 P.M.; Lawrence County Emergency Services Training Room; 1533 Missouri Drive; Mt. Vernon, MO  65712


MEETINGS– This meeting is open to the public in accordance with Missouri law. A copy of this agenda was posted for public view at the LCES 9-1-1 Office at 1533 Missouri Dr; Mt Vernon, MO 65712. Copies of this notice or other records request can be directed to Secretary Patti McBride. Posted 03.13.2024 @ 10:00 hours by B. Witt-Schulte

Mar 13, 2024

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