February 21, 2024 – Meeting Minutes


LCES911 – Training Room; 1533 Missouri Dr; Mount Vernon,MO  65712


Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman Kris Bowling

Members present:     Kris Bowling; Jack Schulz; Joey Skaggs, Roger Stolting; David Hubert

                                    Jacob Spindler; Legal Counsel

                                    Bonnie Witt-Schulte; Executive Director


Members absent:      Brian Cook (vacation), Donna Pritchard (family medical), Patti McBride (ill)


Confirm quorum present:  Yes


Agenda: Motion to approve agenda (J Skaggs), second (R. Stolting) -APPROVED

Approval of Minutes:  Tabled as board packet did not contain the correct minutes.

Financial:  Motion to approve financial reports and payment of bills (D. Hubert), second (J. Schulz).  APPROVED

Review of financial reports

·        General Ledger

·        Statement of Financial Position

·        Budget to Actuals

·        Sales tax receipts / wireless prepaid / use tax

·        Letters of Credit ~ Old Missouri Bank

·        SBKC Construction Lease reports (via email only)

Vendor List:  Motion to approve new vendors (D Hubert), second (J Skaggs). APPROVED

Unfinished Business

Board Oath / Confidentiality Statement: ED Witt-Schulte swore in Kris Bowling (LCESB Chair), Joey Skaggs(Eastern District Board Member), Roger Stolting (Western District Board Member).  New board members R Stolting and J Skaggs will sign LCES Board confidentiality forms and return them to ED Witt-Schulte.

Review April 2024 Election Information: Legal counsel J Spindler briefed the board on the issue of one of the candidates in the upcoming April election failing to file the required Missouri Ethics Commission Personal Financial Disclosure (PFD) information which resulted in the individual being disqualified for the election.  However, an issue arose due to the Lawrence County election authority and their legal counsel not recognizing the authoring of the LCESB to request removal of the candidate.  As a result, the individual will be listed on the ballot as a candidate as we were not able to facilitate the required court order necessary to remove the individual due to time constraints. Legal counsel J Spindler is researching what steps will need to be taken if the individual receives the top number of votes; and will provide the LCESB with a memorandum outlining his findings.


Old Business


Discussion work session:  ED Witt-Schulte will send out some options for work session dates to coordinate a meeting to discuss 1, 5- and 10-year plan, review by-laws, etc.

Building Update:  ED Witt-Schulte provided an update on the following building project items.

·        ATS – currently scheduled to ship tomorrow (02.22.2024).  Discussion regarding liquidated damages.  It was decided that legal counsel J Spindler will develop a “demand letter” to be presented to DeWitt Construction/

·        Blinds – on order – will arrive in 6-8 weeks.

·        MDP Study – this issue is very close to being resolved between the RTM engineers and Eaton.  It looks like there may be no cost to LCESB.

·        HVAC – HVAC company was on-site today (02.21.2024) and provided some re-programming that will hopefully correct the issue with the thermostats reading the internal temperature of the HVAC units.

·        Generator warranty letter - Letter is on-file.

·        Fence – only issue remaining is “fill” dirt in back corner; DeWitt will complete when the area is dry.

·        Dedication plaque – design has been sent to vendor for cost quote.

·        Building manuals – LCES has received these.

·        T-Beam leak – issued resolved – roofing company on-site last week.


Fire Dispatch Protocols: Review fire dispatch protocol to become effective March 1, 2024.  LCES appreciated all the fire departments coming together to facilitate the development of the new protocol.


Lawrence County Fire Communications Plan:   ED Witt-Schulte presented information on obtaining a new frequency for the purpose of 911 Law Co fire dispatching.  This would then eliminate the need to utilize the Law Co Fire (shared channel) 154.220 for dispatching.  R Stolting and J Skaggs requested to take a tour of the current radio equipment (tower). Further discussion will be held at the next meeting.


Conflict of Interest Ordinance: Legal counsel J Spindler review the revised Conflict of Interest Ordinance with the Board.  The revision encompasses the requirements that the Lawrence County election authority and their legal counsel advised were needed to ensure that candidates who do not meet candidate filing requirements are able to be removed from the ballot.  Motion to approve revised Conflict of Interest Ordinance (D Hubert), seconded by (J Skaggs).  APPROVED


Update MO911SB NG911 Grant Application (ESInet):  Will present at next meeting as we are waiting for an additional quote.


New Business


MO911SB GIS Mitigation Grant (Law Co EMA):  Lawrence County EMA G. Selvey is requesting assistance with the 10% grant match to perform GIS mitigation for Lawrence County.  This will include edge-matching and centerlines (road) and house points. ED Witt-Schulte recommended supporting this initiative as this is beneficial to 911 as it relates to mapping of calls and NG911.  Motion (R Stolting), second (J Skaggs) to approve 1/3 of the 10% requirement in the amount of $3,151.35.  APPROVED


APCO International Conference: Motion (J Schulz), second by (R Stolting) to approve sending five attendees to the APCO International Conference at a cost of $12,175.00.  APPROVED


Executive Director report given by B Witt-Schulte

·        LCES 911 team (J Wells, S. Mareth, K Norton) announces as State of Missouri Team of the Year for 2023.

·        Legislation– Wayfair tax (Use Tax)

·        Two interns have started training

·        Two instances of MULES misuse reported to CJIS

·        Relayed discussions with Lawrence County Commission (budget)

·        Completed ISO form


Closed Session: Motion by (R Stolting), second by (D Hubert) to go into closed session under RSMo 610.021, 1, 3, 13 @ 7:30 P.M.

Roll call vote:  K Bowling - Yes, J Schulz - Yes, R Stolting - Yes, J Skaggs - Yes


Return to Open Session @ 7:45 P.M.


Board Meeting Dates Discussion:  Decided to keep monthly board meetings at this time.


Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by (D Hubert), second by (J Skaggs).  APPROVED


Next Meeting:  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 6:00P.M.


Feb 21, 2024

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