August 20, 2024 - Meeting Minutes                              

LCES911, 1533 Missouri Drive, Training Room, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman Kris Bowling.


Roll Call:    Members present:      Kris Bowling, Brian Cook, Donna Pritchard

                                                            Joey Skaggs and Nathan Bowen.

                                                           Bonnie Witt-Schulte, Executive Director,and Patti McBride, Secretary

                     Members absent:        Jack Schulz

                    Confirm quorum present: Yes.



New Board Member: Nathan Bowen was sworn-in by Secretary, Patti McBride

Agenda: On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Joey Skaggs, the Agenda was unanimously approved. APPROVED.

Approval of Minutes: On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Brian Cook, the minutes of the June 11, 2024 open session and closed session and the June 20, 2024 meetings were unanimously approved.  APPROVED.



Bills Paid: On motion made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Brian Cook, the bills paid from June 4, 2024 through August 12, 2024, were unanimously approved.  APPROVED.

Reports for Review: The following reports were reviewed:

   Bank Account Register (General Ledger)

   Statement of Financial Position Report

   Budget to Actuals

    Sales Tax Receipts/Wireless Prepaid/Use Tax Income

    Letter of Credit from Old Missouri Bank

    SBKC Construction Lease Statement

    Annual Financial Report filed with Municipal Securities

        Rulemaking Board (G&B)

Vendor List: On motion made by Nathan Bowen and seconded by Donna Pritchard, and unanimously approved, the following were added to the Approved Vendor List:

    Bill’s Electric (BEI)

    Little Flower Shop in Aurora

    Mobile Communications America (MCA)-Radiophone Engineering, Inc., Pinnacle Sign Group, Inc.

    Schnelle SM, Inc.

    Nelson Systems



Annual Tax Rate Hearing

On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Brian Cook, it was unanimously approved to retain our sales tax rate at 1/2 of one percent.  APPROVED.


Unfinished Business:

Building Update: There is a list of items to be finalized.  Jon Gold, our attorney, will be asked to look at the list and see if we can waive anything or all of the list in order to make the final payments before the end of the year.

Law Co Fire Communications Plan: The repeaters are on backorder.


New Business:

Personnel Update: The following positions have been filled: Operations Manager, Operations Floor Supervisor, Communications Training Officer, and Administrative Services Coordinator.  There are currently no vacant positions.

Miller City Fire, Miller Rural Fire, and Miller Rescue: Bonnie reported that the groups are having issues between their different groups.

Vacant Eastern District Board Member: A meeting to interview the three candidates that have submitted their letter of interest in the position was scheduled for September 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Banking Update: On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Donna Pritchard, adding Evelle Houck to the signature card on our checking account (to be able to view the account only) was unanimously approved.  APPROVED.

EsiNet/911 Call-Taking Equipment: We are currently operating off of Jasper County and Springfield, Missouri’s system.  There is a concern about this situation. Karen Brown and Bonnie have been working with AT&T to make us a solely internet 911. We would be the first in the State of Missouri.  Carbyne gave us a bid of $428,000 over five years and the EsiNet would run $3,000 to $5,000 per year.  Karen Browns will provide more information and costs at the next meeting.


Executive Director Report: Bonnie gave her report.


Closed Session: Not needed.


Next Meeting: The next regular meeting was scheduled for October 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm.


Adjournment: Motion was made by Donna Pritchard, seconded by Brian Cook, and also seconded by Joey Skaggs, and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.




Patti McBride, Secretary


Sep 5, 2024

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