June 20, 2024 - Meeting Minutes


LCES911, 1533 Missouri Drive, Mt Vernon, Missouri 65712

Call to Order:     The meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm by Chairman Kris Bowling.

Roll Call:     Members present:  Kris Bowling, Brian Cook, Jack Schulz, Donna Pritchard, and Joey Skaggs.

                    Bonnie Witt-Schulte, Executive Director; and  Patti McBride, Secretary


Members absent:  Roger Stolting (who turned in his resignation this morning).


Confirm quorum present: Yes.



Agenda:  On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Donna Pritchard, the Agenda was unanimously approved.  APPROVED.

Interviews with Candidates for Board Position: Four candidates were interviewed:  Gavin Hill, Brandon Coggins, Milo Daniel and Nathan Bowen.  Each candidate came in and the Board Members introduced themselves. Chairman Kris Bowling then asked the candidate to introduce themselves.  The Board Members then asked the candidate prepared questions and the candidate responded. The Board Members each rated the candidates on their responses.  After each candidate had been interviewed, the Board Members discussed the candidates and the best one for the Board position.  On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Donna Pritchard, and unanimously approved, it was decided to ask Nathan Bowen to serve on the Board in the vacant position.



On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Donna Pritchard, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:46 p.m.



Patti McBride, Secretary




Jun 24, 2024

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