March 20, 2024 - Meeting Minutes                                

LCES911, 1533 Missouri Drive, Training Room, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman Kris Bowling.


Roll Call:         Members present:    Brian Cook, Kris Bowling, Jack Schultz, David Hubert, Donna Pritchard,Joey Skaggs, and Roger Stolting.

                                                            Jacob Spindler, Legal Counsel, Bonnie Witt-Schulte, Executive Director, and Patti McBride, Secretary


                         Members absent:      None.

                         Confirm quorum present: Yes.



Agenda: One item was added to the agenda under New Business:  Monett Generator Use.  On motion made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Brian Cook, the Agenda was unanimously approved with the addition of the one item.



Approval of Minutes:  On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Jack Schulz, the minutes of the January 27, 2024 open and closed meetings, and the February 21, 2024 open and closed meetings were unanimously approved as presented.




Payment of Bills: On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Joey Skaggs, the Bills paid from 2-14-24through 3-12-24 were unanimously approved.



Reports for Review: The following reports were reviewed:

     Bank Account Register (General Ledger)

     Statement of Financial Position

     Budget to Actuals

     Sales Tax Receipts/Wireless Prepaid/Use Tax Income

     Letter of Credit - Old Missouri Bank

     SBKC Construction Lease Statement


Approved Vendor List: The following were added to the Approved Vendor List:

Cox Health –drug screening, physicals, and audiogram; and Missouri State Highway Patrol(CJIS) – MULES connection.


Unfinished Business

April 2024 Election:  This issue was passed until the Closed Session.


Building Update:  Mark Frietchen from DeWitt and Tim Guillot from Esterly, Schneider gave a detailed update on the items still to be completed:  The ATS has been installed and tested.  The MDP Study has been completed and is suitable for a facility of our type.  The remaining items are:  Blinds (which are scheduled to be delivered on 4-1-24), HVAC, fence, dedication plaque, T-Bar beam leak in the water heater room (solved), and the door from the ATS room.  The goal is to have all of these items done in the next 30 days.


Lawrence County Fire Communications Plan:  A motion was made by Joey Skaggs in lieu of the motion made at the January meeting, and seconded by Donna Pritchard, to authorize up to $75,000 to obtain a dedicated LCES 911 fire frequency utilizing Radiophone to coordinate the project.  Kris Bowling abstained from the vote because of this employment.  David Hubert voted No.  The remaining Board Members voted to  pass the motion.



MO911SB NG911 Grant Application:  No action required at this time.


MO911SB GIS Mitigation Grant(Lawrence Co EMA):  This is the mapping grant.  On motion made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by David Hubert, it was unanimously agreed to increase our 10% match from $3,151.35 to $3,505.00.



Work Session:  A work session will be scheduled in the near future.


New Business

Monett Generator Use:  While the ATS was being installed the City of Monett brought over a generator for the 911 center to use.  They did not charge us for the use and delivery of this generator.  On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Joey Skaggs, it was unanimously approved to waive one month dispatching fee ($1,000) for the City of Monett.



Short term, long term, critical illness disability for employees:  Quotes were provided.  It was suggested by Donna Pritchard and approved to hold off on this issue until the work session.


Executive Director Report: Bonnie gave her written report and highlighted certain items.


Closed Session: A motion was made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Joey Skaggs to go into Closed Session.  A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Kris - Yes, Brian - Yes, Joey - Yes, Roger - Yes, Donna - Yes, David -Yes, Jack - Yes.  The

Board went into Closed Session at 7:26 pm.  


Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for April 17, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the LCES 911 Center.


Adjournment: Motion was made by Donna Pritchard, seconded by Joey Skaggs, and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m.



Patti McBride, Secretary


Mar 21, 2024

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