April 17, 2024 - Meeting Minutes                                    


LCES911, 1533 Missouri Drive, Training Room, Mt. Vernon, MO 65712


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:24pm by Chairman Kris Bowling.


Roll Call:                          Members present:    Kris Bowling, Brian Cook,

                                         David Hubert, Donna Pritchard,Roger Stolting and Joey Skaggs.


                                        Jon Gold, Legal Counsel, Bonnie Witt-Schulte, Executive Director,

                                        and Patti McBride, Secretary


                       Members absent:      Jack Schulz

                       Confirm quorum present: Yes.



          Agenda: On motion made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Brian Cook, the

          Agenda was unanimously approved.  APPROVED.


          Approval of Minutes:  On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Joey

          Skaggs, the minutes of the March 13, 2024 open session and closed session

          meetings were unanimously approved.  APPROVED.



          Bills Paid:  On motion made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Joey Skaggs,

          the bills paid from March 13, 2024 through April 9,2024, were unanimously

          approved. APPROVED.


          Reports for Review:  The following reports were reviewed:

                         Bank Account Register (General Ledger)

                       Statement of Financial Position Report

                       Budget to Actuals

                       Sales Tax Receipts/Wireless Prepaid/Use Tax Income

                       Letter of Credit from Old Missouri Bank

                       SBKC Construction Lease Statement


          Vendor List:  On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Donna Pritchard,

          and unanimously approved, Rural Missouri Rentals, LLC was added to the

          Approved Vendor List. APPROVED.


Reorganizational Business:

          Certify April 2, 2024 Election:  A motion was made by Donna Pritchard and

          seconded by Joey Skaggs, to certify the results of the April 2, 2024 election with

          the notation that Levi Mareth declined to serve even though receiving the most

          votes.  The motion was unanimously approved.  APPROVED.


          Levi Mareth Declination Letter:  On motion made by Donna Pritchard and

          seconded by Brian Cook, it was unanimously approved to accept the letter of

          Levi Mareth declining to serve. APPROVED.


          David Hubert declination to serve:  David Hubert advised that he had serve his

          time on the board and declined to serve going forward.  He was given an

          autographed book as a Thank You for his years on the Board.


          Appointment of Western District Representative:  Due to David Hubert’s

          declination to serve, a new Western District Representative will need to be



         Nomination of Board Positions:

                    Vice-Chair:  A motion was made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by

                    Joey Skaggs, nominating Brian Cook to continue as Vice-Chair.  A motion

                    was made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Roger Stolting for

                    nominations to cease.  The motion was approved unanimously.  A motion

                    was made by Donna Pritchard and seconded by Joey Skaggs for Brian

                    Cook to serve as the only nominatee.  The motion was unanimously

                    approved.  APPROVED.


                    Treasurer:  A motion was made by Brian Cook and seconded by Joey

                    Skaggs, nominating Donna Pritchard to continue as Treasurer.  A motion

                    was made by Brian Cook and seconded by Joey Skaggs for nominations to

                    cease and to elect Donna Pritchard as Treasurer.  The motion

                    unanimously passed.  APPROVED.


                    Secretary:  On motion made by Brian Cook and seconded by Donna

                    Pritchard, Patti McBride’s position as Secretary was unanimously ratified.



                    Swearing-in of newly Elected/Appointed Board Members:  The newly

                    elected and appointed Board Members were sworn-in:  Kris Bowling, Brian

                    Cook, Donna Pritchard,Joey Skaggs and Patti McBride.


 Unfinished Business:

           Building Update:  Bonnie gave an update on the building.  The ATS has been

           installed; the blinds have been delivered and installed; the HVAC will have new

           thermostats installed tomorrow; and the fence has been fixed.


           Law Co Fire Communications Plan:  Bonnie gave an update on this Plan.  The

           Plan is moving forward.


New Business:

           Legal Counsel:  Jacob Spindler is leaving Reynolds & Gold, LLC.  Our new

           attorney will be Jon Gold.


          Risk Management Status Report:  The report was given for information only.


Work Session:

         Budget:  The Budget was reviewed and discussed.


          By-Laws:  Jon Gold suggested one addition to our By-Laws due to the declination

          to serve of David Hubert.  Add to Article III – Section 3.  Vacancy of Director

          Position. In the event a director position becomes vacant, the chair person

          of the Board of Directors shall notify the Board and request a replacement

          to be appointed for the remainder of the director’s term.  The additional
          sections of that Article would be moved down one each.


          On motion made by Joey Skaggs and seconded by Donna Pritchard, the changes

          to the By-Laws were unanimously approved, including the addition of Vacancy of

          Director Position.  APPROVED.


          Short-Term Employee Disability:  A motion was made by Brian Cook and

          seconded by Joey Skaggs, to provide short-term disability for the employees, not

          to exceed $7,000 annually.  The motion was unanimously approved.


Executive Director Report:  Bonnie gave her report.

Closed Session:  Not needed.

Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for June 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm.  We will

meet every other month unless a special meeting is needed.

Adjournment: Motion was made by Donna Pritchard, seconded by Joey Skaggs, and

unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.



                                                                       Patti McBride, Secretary


Apr 17, 2024

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